Wednesday, March 16, 2016

American Citizenship - Cover letter

Once you have all documents ready (here there is a list of what you need according to your situation) I would recommend to attach a cover letter listing everything you send to ensure yourself and the USCIS office that everything is there.

The main information is the same for all situations, even if fee may vary. The supplemental information will vary according to which option you choose or have at hand.
At the same time, if you have to inform them of any specific detail, you could use the cover letter to share that information.

Following there is an example that you may copy and personalize:

P.O. Box 660060
Dallas, TX 75266

To whom it may concern,

I, xxxxxxxxx (formerly: xxxxxxxxxxxx), am filing for naturalization on the basis of marriage to a U.S. citizen, xxxxxxxxxxx.

The major content herein include the following:
·         N-400
·         A photocopy of both sides of my Permanent Resident Card
·         2 identical color photographs
·         A money order for $xxx.00

Other supplemental information include the following:
·         G-1145
·         xxxx
·         xxxx
·         xxxx

Other Info that may be relevant

If there is any need to contact me, feel free to contact me using the following information: